Adventures with Luci. I am pet therapy Pembroke Corgi, and my owner, Sheri ghosts writes my blogs. We want to get into networking with other pet therapy dogs through blogs.
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
First Day of Spring Walk
First Day of Spring
Sheri, my mom, as some people call her, took me on a walk in my most fav park ! I'm always excited when starts to put on my collar and leash and let out a little bark and jump up to help her. I start out running fast because my energy level is at it't peak, and Sheri has to ask me to slow down a little, Luci, we'll get there soon enough.
Walking is my fav exercise and activity because I love all the new smells, sights, sounds, and meeting new people and their doggies. Sheri lets me stop pretty often for a pit stop or just to smell something. Things smelled extra good as there had been lots of dogs on walks today. We met a young couple who had a dog, unleased, and Sheri said, "Oh, no, that little dog needs a leash!" Luckily, his owners turned another way and we didn't have to meet them face-to-face !
I love people of all ages and want to make friends on our walks. But...I haven't quite gotten enough courage to make a doggie friend on our first visit. Some dogs that are really big scare me and I want to bark at them ! Others that are more my size, I'm not afraid and will say 'hello' to them.
Sheri likes to make photos with her iPhone as we walk. I've learned to stop when she says that word and be still. Today she made lots of pics of Blue Bonnets, Texas' state flower. She told me these were the first she has seen so it was extra exciting for her. I liked to smell them and they did smell good.
It was a fun hour of walking, exploring, meeting new people and doggies, and finding the Blue Bonnets for Sheri made her very happy. When she is happy, I am too !
Until next time we blog,
Have a happy Spring Day !
With Luv and puppy dog kisses,
Luci and Sheri
Friday, March 4, 2011
Visiting Ms. Sweetest at Nursing Home
It was nice to meet Ms Sweet Lady, and that she appreciated a visit and liked me ! Sheri sat two chairs together and sat me in her lap so that my long body had plenty of room to stretch out. I was quite comfortable and felt at ease with the surrounding and other people stopping by to 'steal' a hug or talk to me. Ms. Sweet Lady told us about her dog that she had long ago and how much she loved him. His name was Standford and he was her constant companion. I could tell how much she loved him because her eyes would tear up a bit and eye lids got really red...just thinking about him.
We had another friend to visit and that was fun because we got invited inside her home. This was my first meeting and she was delighted that I came! Our friend was happy and smiling at me and kept petting me on the head and rubbed my left paw a lot. She made me feel good and I knew she liked dogs. I sat on Sheri's lap until our friend said, "Sheri, I think Luci would like down and explore my home a bit!" She was right ! I jumped down and got to sniff around under the bed. I found a piece of chocolate candy and I gave it to our friend. You see, she has a big basket of different kinds of candies, at the foot of her bed, and gives it away to nurses and friends. She also has a donation jar that people drop coins inside to help pay for more candy! She is a really neat lady ! She told me, "Luci, you know that dogs are never to eat chocolate candy, don't you?" I knew the answer was "Never" and Sheri told her that I knew. I started to shake my head 'yes' I know, but didn't this time.
Another lady who had visited a friend was leaving and stopped by to chat a few minutes. She knew all about Corgi dogs and asked if I would go visit her friend because she loves dogs ! She gave Sheri her friend's name. We will have to get permission from the Nursing Staff before we go visit her. This lady told Sheri and I that 'we have a wonderful ministry.' Guess that's a good thing as it made everyone happy to hear it !
Our visit was awesome and I want to go back next week, same time, same place, same ladies, and meeting new people...
Love and Puppy Kisses,
Lucille 'Luci' Ball - I prefer to be called Luci, but some people call me Luci Ball ! That's okay too ! :))
Monday, February 28, 2011
Luci meets Activities Director at a nearby Nursing Facility 01.07.2011
I knew something was different this morning as I watched Sheri getting things tidied up around the house early ! She told me after a while that is was MY DAY to meet the Activities Director at the nursing place at 11:00AM ! When Sheri tells me we are going somewhere in the car, I begin to go for my leash and collar, even though it's not quite time to leave.
Finally, were ready to go and I helped Sheri put on my collar ! She told me what a good girl I am and reminded me how to behave once we meet the Activities Director most of all, I am not to jump up on anyone unless they invite me. I know that but sometimes it helps to be reminded when I am soooo excited !
We got there in about 10 minutes, and I was jumping out of my passenger seat into Sheri's lap wanting to get out and go inside ! The place is huge and beautiful and has lots of people living there. Sheri told me it was their home and we must treat each room as that person's home because it really is! I pretty much learned that from my last visits to our friend in the country nursing home.
The Activity Director was nice and had a kind look on her face. She liked me right away as she leaned down and began to talk and pet my head and chest. She said, "You are a pretty dog, let's go meet some of the residents." We walked down the hall to the dinning room where many people sat in wheel chairs waiting for lunch to be served. The AD lady told us that she knew the people that liked dogs and had dogs at the home they had to leave. The first person we met was a kindly older gentleman who began to smile at once when we met him. He petted my head and told me about his dog that he had for a long time and how special that dog was to him and how he misses him everyday. Sheri looked a bit sad, but in a minute, she began to smile again, knowing that I was making him happy and remember the good times with his doggie. We walked on through the dining room and met a nice lady who reached out to me and wanted me to step up on her knees. Sheri told me it was okay since she asked me to do this. I think she wanted to pet my head and and hug me like she did with her little dog she left behind. She told me all about the doggie and how much she loves dogs. She told me, "You are a pretty little dog, and well behaved!" Sheri had a big grin on her face when she heard this remark ! My job is to love people and make them smile and bring happiness to them, it isn't hard at all, I love my job!
We met a couple in their home, a man and his wife, who invited us inside. They too were sweet and had kind eyes and began to tell us about their dog, a little black poodle they loved so much. I went straight to the man and wanted to meet him and let him pet me. It was so much fun visiting this nice place with many people who brightened up the minute they saw me! I can tell when people like me and want to be friends!
After this visit we went back to the Activities Room and talked with the Activities Director. She told Sheri that she would love for me to come back and visit every week, on Thursday afternoon. They agreed on the time and next visit. I sat quietly beside Sheri while they were talking, seemed like a long time, but I was patient as I knew this was important in getting to go back next week! This place had a nice odor about it that I liked. Sheri noticed too and commented on how wonderfully clean and fresh the nursing home smelled. She told me that's a good sign to a nice and well run nursing facility. Sheri also told me that she did two internships here at this place while getting her ASS/Degree, whatever AAS/Degree means, but it did sound important and something she was proud of doing!
I can hardly wait until next Thursday when we go back for our next visit. We will keep you updated with a new blog! more thing...Sheri stopped at the Dollar Store and bought me a special treat because she said, "Luci, you were a good girl and well behaved today and made people happy." I liked the treat and knew it had been a very good morning!
Bye for now and may God bless each of you!
Love and Paw Prints,
Friday, February 18, 2011
'Sunshine after the Storm'
Luci and I were walking yesterday around the elementary school, our usual paths when I was struck by the cloud formations ! Luci was pitter-pattering along doing her own thing, when I said, "Luci, we must stop here and make a picture!"
She knows what this command means and stops immediately ! She was still and waited until I finished making a series of the formations, each one quickly changing ! One in particular stood out and was chosen for posting on Facebook-'Project 365.' This is a closed group of photographers who have agreed to make a photo a day for this year, 2011, 365 days. Until I was invited to join this group, and began to see the beautiful cloud, sky, sunrise, sunset photos, of others, did I start this 'sky venture.' Fun Fun Fun !!!
After posting the photo and commenting that I would like suggestions for naming it ! They began to roll in ! All creative ! All different ! All like God intended ! Special and Unique !
I hope you will enjoy this short blog and more about what Luci and I do on our long walks !
Would like your comments !
Love to all our FB friends and follows...if you aren't following us, please sign up !
Sheri and Luci - Lucile Ball - people remember that name immediately ! My new trainner calls me Lucille, and I like it !
'Turning Gray Skies to Sunny Skies- by Marcia Piepgrass- guest blogger
'Turning Gray Skies to Sunny Skies'
Go to this blog spot for Marcia Piepgrass' story.
Leave comment(s) if so moved !!!
'Turning Gray Skies to Sunny Skies' author- Marcia Piepgrass-
I hope you will find it a real blessing and something you refer back to when you think about our Saviour and His sacrifice for us.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Shopping in a Pet Store
Yesterday I headed to the closest Pet Smart Store to purchase a special dog food for Luci. Her choice is Blue Buffalo, Basics, made from nature's bounty of plants.
I had a $5.00 coupon from Blue Buffalo, however, it was for their pupply mixes !
The sales person, a dog trainner for the store was kind enough to take the coupon anyway, lest I not make the purchase!
My conversation with Ms Sales Lady turned out to be a blessing in disguise. She had time on her hands and was willing to listen to my story of Luci's resistance/non socialized with other dogs ! She had the perfect solution of a Training Class to begin on February 14, 2011 for socializing dogs ! I was excited and after hearing the details, I signed Luci up for the next six weeks ! The cost was more than I I had to pay upfront for all the classes...Ms. Sales Lady threw in another $10.00 discount coupon !
I was told to bring something that belonged to Luci so othat she would feel at ease for her first encounter with other canines ! I suggested her bed, which she loves, but after thinking it over, she might get confused with 'going to bed ' at her lesson !
More work for Luci's 'parent' coming up with something she likes and feels is hers...hummm...the thought arises that she may be possessive about what's hers...oooooh...the woes of a new 'Adventure with Luci'...
More to come after our first class !
Friday, February 4, 2011
Luci - romping - through - the - SNOW
Alas, she made her appearance in the kitchen where I doing my Bible Study. I opened slidling door and she stood there a moment when suddendly, she dashed out in the snow, making serveral rapid fire jaunts around the yard, ran off the birds, made her statement, claiming the territory and continued to rum, jump, and romp in the snow! She was like a 3-4 year child, experiencing snow for the first time, excited and happy! I was surprised, as she doesn't like cold weather and won't go out for long for her potty breaks! However, this was different and she was making the most of it ! Our son was outside watching her and she uncovered her 'JUG on a Rope' and brought it to him, wanting to play'JUG' ! He gently declined her offer this time...
It was pure joy for me to watch her frolic in the new discovery of real - pristine - pure - dry - white -snow ! I made some photos of this event, although it was difficult to get her still long enough to make a pic!
This will go down in Luci's Adventures as one most memorable and for me - WHAT A BLESSING - Dogs and Kids are one with a snow today! Something to relish and cherish because in Central Texas snowfalls are rare !
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Luci's first official visit to meet residents at Nursing/Rehab Center
I love your comments, thanks for reading and sharing.
Love to all and God bless you,
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Luci's meets Activities Director January 07,2011
I knew something was different this morning as I watched Sheri getting things tidied up around the house early ! She told me after a while that is was MY DAY to meet the Activities Director at the nursing place at 11:00AM ! When Sheri tells me we are going somewhere in the car, I begin to go for my leash and collar, even though it's not quite time to leave.
Finally, were ready to go and I helped Sheri put on my collar ! She told me what a good girl I am and reminded me how to behave once we meet the Activities Director most of all, I am not to jump up on anyone unless they invite me. I know that but sometimes it helps to be reminded when I am soooo excited !
We got there in about 10 minutes, and I was jumping out of my passenger seat into Sheri's lap wanting to get out and go inside ! The place is huge and beautiful and has lots of people living there. Sheri told me it was their home and we must treat each room as that person's home because it really is! I pretty much learned that from my last visits to our friend in the country nursing home.
The Activity Director was nice and had a kind look on her face. She liked me right away as she leaned down and began to talk and pet my head and chest. She said, "You are a pretty dog, let's go meet some of the residents." We walked down the hall to the dinning room where many people sat in wheel chairs waiting for lunch to be served. The AD lady told us that she knew the people that liked dogs and had dogs at the home they had to leave. The first person we met was a kindly older gentleman who began to smile at once when we met him. He petted my head and told me about his dog that he had for a long time and how special that dog was to him and how he misses him everyday. Sheri looked a bit sad, but in a minute, she began to smile again, knowing that I was making him happy and remember the good times with his doggie. We walked on through the dining room and met a nice lady who reached out to me and wanted me to step up on her knees. Sheri told me it was okay since she asked me to do this. I think she wanted to pet my head and and hug me like she did with her little dog she left behind. She told me all about the doggie and how much she loves dogs. She told me, "You are a pretty little dog, and well behaved!" Sheri had a big grin on her face when she heard this remark ! My job is to love people and make them smile and bring happiness to them, it isn't hard at all, I love my job!
We met a couple in their home, a man and his wife, who invited us inside. They too were sweet and had kind eyes and began to tell us about their dog, a little black poodle they loved so much. I went straight to the man and wanted to meet him and let him pet me. It was so much fun visiting this nice place with many people who brightened up the minute they saw me! I can tell when people like me and want to be friends!
After this visit we went back to the Activities Room and talked with the Activities Director. She told Sheri that she would love for me to come back and visit every week, on Thursday afternoon. They agreed on the time and next visit. I sat quietly beside Sheri while they were talking, seemed like a long time, but I was patient as I knew this was important in getting to go back next week! This place had a nice odor about it that I liked. Sheri noticed too and commented on how wonderfully clean and fresh the nursing home smelled. She told me that's a good sign to a nice and well run nursing facility. Sheri also told me that she did two internships here at this place while getting her ASS/Degree, whatever AAS/Degree means, but it did sound important and something she was proud of doing!
I can hardly wait until next Thursday when we go back for our next visit. We will keep you updated with a new blog! more thing...Sheri stopped at the Dollar Store and bought me a special treat because she said, "Luci, you were a good girl and well behaved today and made people happy." I liked the treat and knew it had been a very good morning!
Bye for now and may God bless each of you!
Love and Paw Prints,
Luci 01.09.2011
We have tried to post this for three days, and can't get our Blogger to work ! Trying again 01.11.2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Visiting a friend at a local nursing facility/rehabiliation
My friend was in good spirits and on her way to play Bingo when I arrived. I accompanied her there and she spoke to friends already seated. She found her way to a back table, her table for meals and games. It was apparant that she was happy about starting a new game of Bingo. It was amazing to see how the residents enjoyed the game and each other. I enjoyed watching my friend play 3 cards at a time with her keen eye and good hearing ! We visited in between games because I wanted her to stay focused on her game. She told me that she would have never 'dreamed she would be in a place like this, playing Bingo, and enjoying it!' It was good to see her happily adjusted and knowing she was in a safe place where her needs were being met.
My gift for her was a big cup of steaming hot Starbucks coffee ( her fav ), and vanilla scones. As we savored our coffee and nibbled our scones, we visited about the past and present and future for both our lives. It was a blessing I can't describe to visit with my friend and I look forward to more visits in 2011.